
1Fails to blow up.1. Preform temp. too low. (Preform curing time or injection time too long).

2. Blow air pressure too low.
Note: Some times first blow fails. Hence, wait for few shots before taking any action.
1. Shorten curing time.
2. Check blow air pressure ( min. 25 kgf/cm2 )
3. Check moulding conditions.
4. Check all temperatures for correctness
5. Check cooling water for temp. and pressure.
6. Check dryer for drying time and drying temp.
7. Check dryer is operating correctly.
2Bottom comes away on blowing (Stretch rod goes through preform upon blowing).1. Temperature of pre form body is lower than bottom.
Note: First blow fails sometimes, wait for few shots before taking action.
1. Decrease overall temperature
2. Shorten curing time.
3. Improve cooling of bottom.
4. Check dryer for drying temp. and drying time.
5. Check dryer is working correctly.
6. Try with material from other bag.
3Whitening of parts spread across the container “Pearl-essence”1. Preform temperature too low.
2. Material temperature low. Note: Occasionally this kind of trouble will arise when there is thermal imbalance in the injection core pins and injection cavities when starting.
1. Shorten curing time.
2. Change cushion.
3. Lengthen heating time.
4. Increase heating temperature.
5. Restrict water to individual cavity.
6. Check residence time of material in the dryer.
7. Check dryer is working correctly.
4Whitening of part of the product ( no gloss and transparency )Preform temp. too high.
Note: Crystallisation occurs if stretch temp. is not between 85 ~ 100°C (185-212°F)
1. Lengthen preform-cooling time.
2. Decrease barrel temperature.
3. Decrease screw RPM.
4. Decrease injection speed.
5. Lower cooling water temp.
6. Check cooling water temp. and pressure.
7. Check dryer for drying time and drying
8. Check dryer is working correctly.
5Gate not forming in the center1. Secondary blowing taking place too early.
2. Primary blow air pressure too high.
3. Temperature of lower part of preform too high. Longitudinal stretch speed too low.
1. Delay secondary blowing.
2. Reduce primary air pressure to 3 ~ 6 kgf/cm2.
3. Lower temp. of this part.
4. Increase speed.
6Depression below the neck areaCollapsing due to vacuum creationIntroduce primary pressure early i.e. reduce delay
or increase primary pressure till gate is not
7Excess material at the base “Crater”1. Preform temperature too high.
2. Uneven preform wall thickness.
1. Keep preform temp. as low as possible through
increasing curing time or by decreasing inj.

2. Check core pins for straightness or clean /
replace lip cavities.
8Unsatisfactory contours. (Longitudinal direction)1. Preform temperature low.
2. Blow air pressure too low.
3. Insufficient air flow
1. Raise preform temperature.
2. Increase air pressure.
3. * Increase air flow volume.
* Provide adequate air vents / clean air vents.
9Unsatisfactorycontours(Circumferentially)1. Uneven preform temperature & wall thickness.
2. Preform sticking to core pins due to condensation
1. Refer to “troubleshooting procedures for
preform moulding.

2. Refer note on mould sweating
10Streaks.1. Due to stretching of milky (hazy) portion.
2. Uneven preform temperature.
3. Stretch rod tip may be damaged
4. Due to stretching of milky (hazy) portion.
5. Uneven preform temperature.
6. Stretch rod tip may be damaged
1. See “troubleshooting procedures for preform
2. See “troubleshooting procedures for preform
3. Check for possible damage / loose pieces
4. See “troubleshooting procedures for preform
5. See “troubleshooting procedures for preform
6. Check for possible damage / loose pieces
11Low impact strength.1. Material has deteriorated.
2. Not oriented or insufficiently oriented.
1. Moisture level in the material should not be more
than 0.004%
* Lower resin temperature.
* Decrease drying time and drying temperature of
2. Orient adequately.
12Small lumps present.1. Water in the blow air.
2. Dust or dirt in the blow air.
3. Dirt in blow cavities.
1. Check air system dryer
2. Check air filters.
3. Clean blow cavities.
13AA Content1. Dry resin adequately.1. Check drying time and drying temperature.
Moisture content in material should be < 0.004%
2. Process the material in lowest possible process
3. Minimum Back Pressure, screw rpm, barrel
temperature etc.
14Low side walk stiffnessPreform temperature too high.Keep preform temperature as low as possible.
15Top load of empty bottle too low (Look at sample bottle after top load test).1. Preform temperature too high.
2. Distribution of wall thickness was changed.
3. Material deteriorated
4. Wrong primary blow time
5. Unstable cooling water temp. and pressure
1. Keep preform temperature as low as possible.
2. Adjust moulding conditions.

3. Check dryer for drying time / temp.
* Check dryer is working correctly.
4. Correct primary blow timer.
5. Check cooling water for temperature and
Blowing at lower temperature gives better
rigidity, but gives less thermal stability.

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